Warm up challenge for the new year

It’s been a while since we had a contest so let’s get this party started again with a simple warm up. Kinda like your first time to the gym since January 2, 2018 – you’ll need to stretch out and get used to flexing that finger on that shutter again.

In this challenge, take any photo that you like and post it. The only three requirements that I’ll lay down are as follows:

  1. It has to be taken the week of Jan 1, 2019.
  2. It cannot be of your Christmas dinner (though technically that would be before Jan 1, 2019 unless you have a time machine and can go to Christmas 2019 to take the photo and pop back…)
  3. You must have taken the photo. We’re not politicians, I mean thieves, so we’re not going to be little cretains and go around claiming credit for stuff we didn’t do while refusing to pay the people who have worked for us faithfully…

The steps are easy…

  1. Find your camera or decide to take the photo with your phone
  2. Charge your camera
  3. Delete those photos of all the junk you ate to clear room for worthwhile photos
  4. Choose a subject (again, other than your Christmas dinner though if you do have that time machine I’ll make an exception if the time machine is in the background like a badass photo bombing genius…)
  5. Take a photo paying attention to focusing, framing and lighting…
  6. Do whatever processing you need to do on the photo
  7. Post the photo to a clever challenge site that accepts such masterpieces…

Take a photo and post at https://takeaphotochallenge.com/2019-01-01-warm-up-challenge-for-the-new-year/

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