Children playing in the international water fountain in Seattle.

Water Challenge Ideas

Go take the Water Challenge!

Water is one of the most powerful forces on earth. It’s also incredibly beautiful. Part of what makes water so beautiful is that it has so many different forms. Water can be on a micro scale with individual droplets or in a dew with hundreds of little droplets covering the space. It can be in small scale in glasses or bowls. On a larger scale, it can be still, have ripples or even waves in a pond or lake. It can be moving in a stream, river or waterfall. Lastly, there is the seas and oceans with their amazing currents and waves.

Sailing paper boats is so peaceful… #boat #paperboat #aspirations

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Clean and up close it looks clear but in quantity it looks teal to dark blue. It can be white, brown, black, green and all types of colors depending on how clean it is, what light sources it has, how fast it’s moving and many other variables.

It’s an amazing subject to photo in all of it’s variety. It does an amazing job manipulating light both reflecting and refracting light.

There are many ways to photograph water. Just some thoughts for you:

  • try macro or close up shots of droplets on objects
  • capture reflections in still water
  • leverage refractions by shooting through still water either in droplet or in a glass
  • smooth out rough water with an extended exposure
  • catch the splash of moving water with fast exposure
  • play with different colored lights
  • try shallow vs. deep


Love the #green.

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As our previous challenges, this challenge is to get you out taking new photographs. So, get out there and take a photo.

Go take the Water Challenge!

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